Friday, July 31, 2009

A few Chinatown Recommendations

Manhattan Chinatown is not only a place to eat Chinese food or buy fake handbags.  Here are just a few things I did when I was in Chinatown yesterday...

1.  Massage
Fishion Herb Center
107 Mott Street, Rear
tel  212-966-8771
hours 10-8pm
Even though this place is not that fancy, it has great business.  Very affordable! A one hour full body massage is only $35.  I went in for a quick 20 minute foot massage yesterday.  Only $14! Other places usually charge $1 a for each minute.  

2.  BEST Bubble Tea!
Ten Ren Tea Time
79 Mott Street 
tel  212-721-7178

In my opinion (and I've tried many bubble tea places in Chinatown, lived in China last year, and visited Taiwan) this is one of the best places to have bubble tea.  They use real tea, no artificial powder.  There is a huge selection too.
My favorite is the Red Bean Shredded Ice...YUMMY!  

3.  Thai Grocery Store (yes, Thai, not Chinese!)
Bangkok Center Grocery
104 Moscow Street (Between Mott and Mulberry Street)
tel  212-732-8916
hours  10-8pm

This place was recommended by my sister, Gale who can cook awesome Thai food!  I came upon a pad Thai recipe in the NY Times two days ago and decided to take a trip out here to buy some ingredients and make a Thai dinner for my friends Shirley, P, B, and S.  I loved it here because it was neatly organized, clean, and the owner was extremely helpful.  

More Chinatown recommendations stay tuned!

Coalmine Records

For all you aspiring Hip Hop artists, look up Coalmine Records. Met a guy from there yesterday helping out people like Skyzoo get started.  Talib Kweli, Cannibus and Rakim all deal with Coalmine so do not think it is not good enough for you.

Go learn, enjoy, and make some music.

Right now the have a feature project call the Foundation. 

Sounds awesome, heard it last night. I am not a big star giver, but listen to it and then post comments yourself on the blog. We can have a nice discussion on any of their hits.  

S - On the Chaise

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Here's looking at you Ortiz! (ROID BOY!)

Southwest Airlines Porch!

Fun, Sun, Yum--
SOUTHWEST AIRLINES have arrived in NYC---get the goods at the Southwest corner of Bryant Park!

Remember the great TV lineup on Thursdays?!


We got the scoop on them. Unorganized. Terrible landlords. In it for the money not for the happy living space.

Met up with some past tenants and tried to catch up with some current tenants--

* Didn't take care of a rodent issue in a timely manner
* Changes locks without a heads up and then leaves tenants keyless and locked out
* When asked to put up bars on the first floor apt for safety reasons, the tenants had to pay half
* Jacked up rent for a tenant over 5 years and led her to move out
* The only place to raise rent "in this economy"

Beware Park Slopers-- if you think you are moving into the happy neighborhood that Park Slope is-- don't ruin it by signing in with these guys...

We are anti skeezy landlords here at PBJS!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Beautiful Short Film.


"We are a group of people who want the option for greater community life where we live. We are creating a more cooperative co-op apartment building; we include families with children, single people, couples and retirees. We expect to share resources & interests (for example share child care, offer some weekly common meals (optional), share tools, skills and interests etc) while each owning our own fully equipped private apartments.Cohousing is a nice balance between privacy and community. "

It is an exciting time to learn about and become involved with Brooklyn Cohousing. The members and associates might be a group of "cockeyed optimists" as the recent NYT article suggests-see article But they have also been very pragmatic in many of our business decisions (from "outside the box" funding ideas to decisions like implementing PassiveHaus technology for both environmental and economic reasons).
On Friday evening, they will have a great presentation about the specifics of PassiveHaus and the successes of Cohousing communities (over 117 across North America). There will be a significant time allowed for Question and Answer period with both our professional consultants and our members. Afterwards, homemade refreshments will be served and if you wish, you will be able to become an Associate Member on the spot.
On Saturday morning, they will have their regular business meeting where they will discuss all of their agenda items using the consensus process. Afterwards, some will walk over to the 15th Street entrance of Prospect Park to have a "brown bag" lunch together.

Here are the details of this weekend's events:

Friday evening, July 31st 6-8pm followed by refreshments - slideshow/talk on "What is Cohousing" featuring Chris ScottHanson, founder of the first cohousing neighborhood in the US, development consultant, and author of "The Cohousing Handbook." This slideshow and Q&A promises to be an exciting overview and taste of what life is like in cohousing.
Where: The First Unitarian Congregational SocietyPierrepont St, Corner of Monroe Place(in Brooklyn Heights - nearest subway is 4/5 & 2/3 @ Borough Hall) Brooklyn, NY 11201
Saturday August 1st, 9:30 to 12:30, Business Meeting
Where: meeting room of Memorial Baptist Church, 16th Street & Eighth Avenue in Windsor Terrace
*Childcare available at no cost: please contact JoAnn several days in advance if you wish to use childcare

you say its your birthdayyyy


$20 wine class

Kings of Leon - NBC's 'Today Show' Performance- July 31st

Kings of Leon are scheduled to perform live on NBC’s “Today Show” summer concert series on July 31. The show airs from 7-10am weekdays, so be sure to tune in! Fans and visitors are encouraged to join us on the plaza for the live performances. Viewing is on a first-come, first-serve basis outside TODAY's window-on-the-world studio, located at 49th Street and Rockefeller Plaza in New York City. Fans should arrive by 6 a.m. for best viewing. You can sign up at HERE to receive updates and special "fan passes."

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Donald Trump was at the Katy Perry concert tonight in NYC. weird.
(apparently Rihanna was there too!)

closing Tuesday thoughts

Great evening for a bike ride...

Jumped on the F after my long day at the office. Had a pretty intense work day. Sat with our SVP and talked about life goals. Its hard in this economy to really have career goals...if I had a penny for every time I hear- you should be happy you have a job...sigh. Its a circle really. In order to produce good work, people must be motivated and passionate. People can only really be motivated and passionate to an extreme without a long term goal. When that long term goal is put at a stand still (due to the economy)- your motivation and passion have to come from within and stick it through the long haul...without real direction of where you will go next- this thought process in itself can be a big ole downer.

SVP's out there, VPs, Managers, Friends, Parents, Boyfriends, Girlfriends-- encourage...motivate...educate...challenge your peers today.

Tell them:

Well its time to get creative...maybe start a blog...ha...but really, if we can't move up the corporate ladder- your challenges must come from different places...

What are your goals?

Mine? I want to write a children's book. I want this blog to be great. I want to get healthy. I want to travel. I want to cook more.

I got off the F and went for a bike ride with up that hill at Prospect Park that always makes me sweat-- and felt good. small victory.

I'm going to listen to that new Mew (unreleased)...and eat some chickpaddy/mac n cheese + spinach.


Art show in Park Slope

Come Join Me & many Artists
Saturday August First
11 AM - 8 PM
Washington Park @ The Old Stone House
Fifth Ave, Park Slope between 3rd & 4th Street
on Sunday August 2nd
opening an Art Show
in "The Old Stone House"
August 2nd - August 30th
Fifth Ave., Park Slope
Between 3rd & 4th Street
Come see Art at it's Best on the Street
and in
"The Old Stone House"

Eat – Drink – Feel Self-conscious!

Walking to your local cafe for a snack or beverage can be one of the great joys of city life. Quick, convenient, tasty… or so you would like to believe! This joyful experience can quickly fade into a miserable one if your local cafe and their staff are not equipped with sufficient space and/or service. This problem has plagued a particular cafe on 7th avenue in Park Slope for as long as I can remember. While sitting in this establishment the other day, I began to reflect on the fact that I have never once been a patron there without thinking:

· Am I standing in the right place?

· Am I in this person's way?

· Am I taking up too much space?

· Do I pay now or later?

· Should I get out of the way?

· Should I hurry up and finish eating so this person can take my seat?

· Are you treating me rudely because I did something to YOU?

· Is the price of my food or beverage worth the price of awkwardly standing here and wondering these questions?

· Should I be here at all?

And somehow, I keep coming back! Over the course of my reflection, I imagined that the customers, staff and business would benefit greatly by finding simple solutions to these problems. This establishment is doing a disservice to itself and its customers by not addressing these problems. I closed my eyes and envisioned an entire physical redesign, but also realized that some simple organizational and systemic changes would make a world of difference without the need for a costly physical redesign.

Things to consider:

· If you run a cafe with limited space in which customers order at a counter, designate "waiting to order" / " already ordered" locations.

· Specify the direction of the line.

· Indicate (at least verbally) when people should pay.

· Take time to consider the experience of your customers and what might make them become loyal, return customers and what might make them never return again.

· Make people feel as though you are there to help them, not that they are a burden.

· Treat customers like you appreciate their business

I don’t mean to criticize this café or establishments like it, but moreover, I’d like to help them understand that no matter how good your food and beverages may be, or how popular your establishment is, an awkward environment that makes your customers feel self-conscious and unwelcome will cause them to not return. If you consider these problems and solutions and make choices that reflect this consciousness, you will have a happier customer base, which will make your staff happier, which will in turn make your customers even happier and the cycle continues. And in the end, YOU WILL MAKE MORE MONEY! We’re all happy! Is that possible?

Do you have any similar experiences/gripes and/or establishments that relate to this topic? Do you have any suggestions for these establishments? Please contribute to this conversation by responding with a comment.



Sep •
Terminal 5
New York, NY
6:00 PM
Warp20 featuring Battles, !!!, Prefuse73 and Pivot

Say it ain't so!

7th Avenue Lily is closing down!!!

The rent on 7th avenue is too large and will be shutting down a Park Slope favorite. There is always the shop on Court Street, but I will surely miss the walk across the street to Lily to pick up a new outfit! Come on Park Slope! Don't shut down our favorites!!

Best of luck to Lily----

(PS: Don't expect a big blowout sale-- rumor has it that they are just moving their goods to the Cobble Hill location)

What will open up instead? a new Sushi restaurant?


How many more places are going to close down in the Park Slope/Prospect Heights area and open into a sushi restaurant? Girl loves her Sweet Tempura Rolls, but have sushi restaurants become the new Starbucks?

Blue Ribbon Sushi
278 5th Ave Btwn 1st St & Garfield Pl
Geido Restaurant
331 Flatbush Ave At 7th Ave
659 Washington Ave At St Marks Ave
296 5th Ave Btwn 1st & 2nd St
Jpan Sushi
287 5th Ave Btwn 1st & 2nd St
177 5th Ave Btwn Berkeley & Lincoln Pl
361 7th Ave Btwn 10th & 11th St
Koto Sushi
67 1/2 6th Ave Btwn Bergen St & Flatbush Ave
155 5th Ave Btwn Douglass & Degraw St
Ocean Fish Market
203 7th Ave Btwn 2nd & 3rd St
71 7th Ave At Berkeley Pl
Picasso Asian Fusions
75 5th Ave At Prospect Pl
Sakura Cafe
388 5th Ave At 6th St
385 Flatbush Ave At Sterling Pl
Sushi Tatsu
347 Flatbush Ave Btwn Carlton Ave & Sterling Pl
Sushi Yama Japanese Restaurant
268 Prospect Park W Btwn 17th St & Prospect Ave
Sushi Yu
214 Prospect Park W Btwn Windsor Pl & 16th St
201 5th Ave Btwn Union St & Berkeley Pl
Taro Sushi
446 Dean St At Flatbush Ave
440 7th Ave At 15th St

Storm on Sunday in NYC- cool shot.

Getty Images

Monday, July 27, 2009


Find the right bread:
White bread is traditional but it isn't sturdy and the jelly soaks through (Remember your grade school field trips with prepackaged lunches. this will be great!!! In addition, white bread is extremely processed and lacks vitamins - why not make this delicious and healthy?
Multigrain adds its own flavor that complements the sweetness of the jelly and peanut butter.
Whole wheat is healthiest option. Make sure the bread is 100% whole wheat flour, not 100% enriched whole wheat flour.
Choose your peanut butter. You'll need to decide between chunky or smooth. Chunky can often be harder to spread, as it can tear the bread. But it does add a nice crunch.
Choose your jelly. Common options include grape jelly, strawberry jelly or raspberry jelly. The adventurous might chose apple jelly.
Get a good amount of peanut butter on a knife or spoon (this amount varies with your personal preference) and spread it out evenly onto one of the slices of bread.
Wipe any residual peanut butter from the knife onto the second piece of bread.

Scoop some jelly onto the other slice of bread. Again, the amount is up to you, but when in doubt, use less rather than more. Jelly tends to squeeze out the edges and drip if you use too much. Make sure to spread the jelly evenly.
Gently press the two slices of bread together. Always put the peanut butter side on top of the jelly side because the jelly will fall off.

triangular slicesCut sandwich. This could be in half crosswise into two congruent triangular slices, in half across the shorter width into two rectangles, into fourths either of these directions, or into as many pieces as you want. Enjoy!

Beer Festival at BAM on Wednesday

Wed, Jul 29, 4—8pm Join the editors of Edible Manhattan and Edible Brooklyn for a heady soiree with an unprecedented and unforgettable pairing of local beers alongside Gotham eats. Over a dozen restaurants will be serving beer-inspired fare, paired carefully with beer selections from local breweries, along with beery treats, including ice cream, cocktails, and other sweets, plus a beer garnishes demonstration by Messermeister

BAMcaféTickets: $45 Advance ticket purchase is required.

Participating Restaurants:
The Good ForkBeer TableBack FortyPalo SantoGramercy TavernJasper HillNo. 7 Widow’s Hole OystersiCiPorchetta, Co. Rose WaterBrooklyn GreenmarketsSullivan Street BakeryGreat PerformancesJoMart ChocolatesBent Spoon Participating Breweries:Brooklyn BrewerySixpoint Craft AlesSouthampton Publick HouseKelso of BrooklynBlue Point BreweryAllagashTroegsOmmegangLeft HandSierra NevadaSmuttynoseMagic HatVictoryKeeghan AlesSly FoxPeak Organic Brewing CompanyLake PlacidIthaca Beer Company

The good ole F Train

F train in the morning had me in dismay as nothing was written on the display;
I asked a old women but she had no comment as she looked quite spent.

Thankful for other F train riders as they got me on my way
To the big city where I spend my whole day

Not in the fun offices
But in spaces
That are controlling and boring
Unlike the F train in the morning
4 to the 6 floor - Manhattan

Attention all Brooklyn Foodies!!

Pick up the latest issue and check out the article on Brooklyn Namesakes.
We find our copies at Union Market, Naidres and GRAB- all on 7th Avenue. You can even subscribe!

Beautiful Modern Greek Music

I was walking down a street on the island of Rhodos in Greece and strolled into a jewelry store. The music they were playing caught my attention immediately.  I soon learned the name of the artist.  His name?  Filippos Pliatsikas  CD title:  OMNIA
I highly recommend it!  
It may be difficult for you to purchase it here in the states but it can be downloaded from iTunes.

Great Shows coming at you- who is going?!

Music Hall of Williamsburg in Brooklyn- Monday August 24th 8pm
Terminal 5 in NYC- Wednesday, August 26 7pm

Music Hall of Williamsburg in Brooklyn- Thursday October 15th 8pm
Webster Hall in NYC-Monday, October 12th 7pm
Webster Hall in NYC- Tuesday, October 13th 7pm

Terminal 5 in NYC- Friday, September 4th 6pm

The Electric Factory in Philadelphia- Monday, September 28th 8pm

Sisterly love/Hardships of history/Cultural differences

This was a quick read, but had me on the tips of my toes. I enjoyed reading about these sisters grow/fight/teach/learn and still stay close after what one may think could be the last straw. Sweet historical story of these Shanghai beautiful sisters based in the late 30's. Two cultures-and a tragic struggle to find happiness in their new home America.
Out of a 4 star scale: ***
The Good:
Sisterly love
Women who didn't quite abide by cultural standards growing up, but learned that underneath it all- they were Shanghai Women at heart
Simple and sweet read- well written
Simple message of survival
The ending :+) I'll leave it at that
Seeing parrallels and sad truths in discrimination for all immigrant stories- quite interesting
The Bad:
Slightly predictable
-p just off the F train

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Alligator Mouth in Prospect Park

S and I were throwing the frisbee around in Prospect Park in what we thought was a beautiful day. Some sick tosses-- including an upside down frisbee pass. What can I say- its the summer of B. The winds and clouds picked up and I took this beautiful shot of the grey cloud above our heads. You saw Brooklynites storm out of the park, but also Brooklynites stop and just look above at this natural phenomenon. To use S's lingo- it was wicked. Got to run, The Next Food Network Star is on-- finale!
-B via next to the drum set

a little brown bagging

Wicked day today, Sunday, not a funday Sunday like most like to do, but definitely a fun day Sunday. Rode P's pink Cannondale around for a bit, then tossed the Fris around with B, watched a natural phenomenon at its best, and then chilled at Olive Vine in the Slope with Hyde, B and P. Now winding down, as the work week begins. 

at the 7 - 11

A summer key lime pie in red hook


It was a beautiful Saturday in the Marley Room on 7th avenue. Playing scrabble with B and S and we came up with a brilliant idea. Lets BLOG!

There are a lot of hip Brooklyn blogs- and we are far from knowing how to get down on the web-- but here is our first attempt.

Tiger putt putted before he won masters.
Phelps took swimming lessons before he received a medal.
Maya Angelou learned the alphabet before she wrote.
You get the point....
Be sure to tune in- PB&JS will have a lot of insight.

-P via 10 Ocean Parkway.