Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Britney didn't sell out MSG, but for those who were there were in for a real treat. Britney definitely still owns the entertainment factor- the girl can put on a show. Whether or not she is actually singing is still to be discussed.

It was a 'Circus' themed freak show. Acrobats, freaks, midgets, legless trampoline jumpers (not going to lie- a little difficult for me to watch). She played a lot of her new stuff, but definitely threw back some oldies but goodies. I was not completely embarrased that I was a grown woman in a box filled with other grown women next door to an entire box of teenyboppers that were dancing their heads off. Secretly, I wanted to party with the kids next door. When my favorites 'Toxic' & 'I'm a Slave For You' played, I found myself singing and dancing solo. Did I just admit that I have Britney favorites? Hilarious. Now I am embarrassed.

Don't get me wrong- it is clear to me that Britney is not who she used to be. She's not as quick-not as sharp- not as difficult. Its almost like she was one minute- and then she had two kids, married a train wreck, shaved her head and embarrassed her life the next....oh wait.

I do love her strut...something about one person strutting a beautiful set (haven't seen something so extravagant since the U2 Vertigo Tour) and owning Madison Square Garden. She kept us engaged- she worked every angle of the room- she did well for her bad self.

PS. How often do you think she kicks herself in the head for cheating on Justin Timberlake?

We love you Britney- train wreck and all.

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