Wednesday, July 29, 2009


"We are a group of people who want the option for greater community life where we live. We are creating a more cooperative co-op apartment building; we include families with children, single people, couples and retirees. We expect to share resources & interests (for example share child care, offer some weekly common meals (optional), share tools, skills and interests etc) while each owning our own fully equipped private apartments.Cohousing is a nice balance between privacy and community. "

It is an exciting time to learn about and become involved with Brooklyn Cohousing. The members and associates might be a group of "cockeyed optimists" as the recent NYT article suggests-see article But they have also been very pragmatic in many of our business decisions (from "outside the box" funding ideas to decisions like implementing PassiveHaus technology for both environmental and economic reasons).
On Friday evening, they will have a great presentation about the specifics of PassiveHaus and the successes of Cohousing communities (over 117 across North America). There will be a significant time allowed for Question and Answer period with both our professional consultants and our members. Afterwards, homemade refreshments will be served and if you wish, you will be able to become an Associate Member on the spot.
On Saturday morning, they will have their regular business meeting where they will discuss all of their agenda items using the consensus process. Afterwards, some will walk over to the 15th Street entrance of Prospect Park to have a "brown bag" lunch together.

Here are the details of this weekend's events:

Friday evening, July 31st 6-8pm followed by refreshments - slideshow/talk on "What is Cohousing" featuring Chris ScottHanson, founder of the first cohousing neighborhood in the US, development consultant, and author of "The Cohousing Handbook." This slideshow and Q&A promises to be an exciting overview and taste of what life is like in cohousing.
Where: The First Unitarian Congregational SocietyPierrepont St, Corner of Monroe Place(in Brooklyn Heights - nearest subway is 4/5 & 2/3 @ Borough Hall) Brooklyn, NY 11201
Saturday August 1st, 9:30 to 12:30, Business Meeting
Where: meeting room of Memorial Baptist Church, 16th Street & Eighth Avenue in Windsor Terrace
*Childcare available at no cost: please contact JoAnn several days in advance if you wish to use childcare

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